Episode 244 - Tiny Tim: King for a Day and Top 5 Tiny Movies
The last time Ira sang as high as Tiny Tim was when Robert kicked him in the nuts. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss the documentary TINY TIM: KING FOR A DAY and share their top 5 tiny movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a scary looking eccentric ukulele singer with a big nose, long scraggly hair, and crooked teeth who sings in a weird ass falsetto voice, and you marry Miss Vicki on the Johnny Carson Show which generates huge ratings second only to the moon landing, but then your fame does a nose dive and you desperately try to stay in the public eye, but end up performing to elementary school kids in a half-filled gymnasium who don’t know who the fuck you are, and you end up divorced three times, have no money, live in a seedy motel and die alone, then this podcast is for you!
Worst Version of 'Who Let the Dogs Out' I've Ever Heard in My Life