Episode 243 - Dangerous and Top 5 Crazy Characters
This episode is one of the craziest, yet! It’s insane! Bonkers, even! Join Robert and Ira as they discuss DANGEROUS and share their top 5 crazy character movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a crazy fuck hooked on anti-depressant pills and your brother dies and you break parole to go to his funeral in a mansion on an island and because you’re a sociopath and you don’t know how to behave, you have note cards that say things like “I’m sorry for your loss” and your family is pissed you’re there, and the FBI is hot on your trail, and you’re always calling your therapist who gives you goofy hippie-dippy words of wisdom bullshit to get you through the day, and this other group of thugs breaks into the mansion looking for something and you go through some underground tunnels and discover a fucking submarine with lots of gold bars and you realize your good brother wasn’t so good after all and like you he was doing some very bad things, then this podcast is for you!
Anti-wave Hosts and All of Their Listeners Pose for a Candid