Episode 216: Burrow, The Oscars, and Top 5 Woke Movie Moments [Special Guest: Eric Swelstad]
Hey, Oscars! We can relate; we lose half our audience when we get super talky, too! Join Robert and Ira, along with their special guest film professor Eric Swelstad, as they discuss the Oscar nominated short BURROW along with their take on the 93rd Academy Awards, plus share their top 5 woke moments in movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a little brown rabbit who tries to build the burrow of her dreams, and you become embarrassed each time you accidentally dig into a neighbor’s home, but all the other underground animals who are different from you work together as you learn a lesson in inclusiveness and diversity, and then you watch this year‘s Oscar show which takes place at a downtown LA train station and not only includes the same lesson in inclusiveness and diversity, but you get to watch Glenn Close do ‘Da Butt’ dance, then this podcast is for you!
A Boob and His Boobs.