Episode 215: Heat and Top 5 Ensemble Movies
This week, two of the most important entertainment personalities finally get together for a long drawn out conversation. Oh, you thought I was talking about Pacino and De Niro in HEAT? Nah, it’s just Robert and Ira yapping endlessly about HEAT. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss HEAT, and share their top 5 ensemble movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be an LA City cop with inner demons and personal angst who is hot on the trail of a bad dude who robs armored cars and banks and shoots cops on the streets of downtown Los Angeles, and you pull him over on the 105 freeway and ask him to have coffee with you at a chic Beverly Hills restaurant, and you realize you’re battling similar demons and angst and you’re both sort of cut from the same cloth and almost have a weird-ass respect for one another, but then you shoot him at LAX and when he reaches out to you, you hold his hand while he dies, then this podcast is for you!
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