Episode 308: Black Swan and Top 5 Battling Bitches

This week, Robert spirals into a twisted ballet of insanity, while Ira's idea of a dramatic transformation is swapping his pajamas for sweatpants. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss BLACK SWAN and share their top 5 battlin’ bitches. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music.  So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a thin sexy hottie in a tutu who is obsessed with ballet, and you live with your kind but over protective mother and you audition for both leading roles in Sean Lake, the sweet White Swan and the edgy Black Swan but your personality is more suited for the White Swan, and then a new dancer arrives on the scene who is hot and edgy and would make a better Black Swan and you start going bonkers, take some Ecstasy, and have hot lesbian sex with your dark and edgy competitor or maybe you don’t, and your jealousy gets greater and so do your disturbing hallucinations as you get in touch with your dark side and you descend into madness blurring the line between reality and fantasy and you grow feathers and wings and die, then this podcast is for you!

Robert Always Watches Ira's Back


Episode 307: Requiem for a Dream and Top 5 Shattered Lives