Episode 306: The Wrestler and Top 5 Last Hurrah Movies
This week, Robert body-slams some marvelous movie metaphors while Ira continues to wrestle with technology. Join Robert and Ira as they discuss THE WRESTLER and share their top 5 last hurrah movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a washed up down on your luck has-been wrestler who’s locked out of your trailer home for not paying rent and you wrestle at rinky-dink local matches and put on fake shows and your girlfriend is a stripper and you do drugs and get beaten to a bloody pulp and have a heart attack and the doctor tells you to quit wrestling and the stripper tells you to contact your daughter but the kid tells you to fuck off, and your stripper girlfriend takes you shopping to buy your daughter a gift, and you have a beer with your stripper girlfriend, but she sees you as only a customer, and you work at a deli and bond with your daughter and you and your kid dance at an abandoned ballroom, but then the stripper says she’s not into you, so you kind of rebound with the drugs and shit, and you forget your dinner date with your daughter and she’s royally pissed, and at the deli you cut your hand on a meat slicer, and you go back to wrestling and the stripper apologizes for being a bitch and she walks away from her stripper job to see you at the big match, but then she splits yep she’s outta there and you climb the rope and hurl your beaten body onto your opponent, then this podcast is for you!
I Love a Good Man's B.O.