Episode 265: Robocop and 5 Top Cops
Take it from us, this episode 6000 SUX! Join Robert and Ira as they discuss ROBOCOP and share their top 5 cop movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a new cop on the beat in a futuristic and fucked up Detroit, and when you’re patrolling with your cute lady partner, you come across some major asshole thugs, and the main bad dude fires a shit load of bullets into you, and a corporation that supposedly wants to rid the city of crime and vermin, turns you into a robot and now you’re all metal and shit, and when you go to the house you used to live in with your wife and kid, you start to remember who you were, and with your cute lady partner you come across the gang that fucked you up, and the head asshole who riddled you with bullets says he’s in cahoots with the head honcho at that corporation and he falls into a vat of acid, and you go back to the corporation headquarters, but there’s a directive built into your operating system that won’t allow you to kill the evil corporate dude, so the other head corporate dude fires the bad guy, and you riddle him with bullets and he falls through the window and plummets to his death and you come to accept who you are, then this podcast is for you!
Well, You Certainly Are a RoboDICK!