Episode 257: 2000 Mules and Top 5 Animal Title Movies
Want absolute 100% definitive proof that the election was stolen? Vermin Supreme didn’t win. We’d be riding our free pony with our clean teeth, basking in the glow of never knowing anything about Hitler, but nooooooo. The establishment just wants to keep you tied down, man… Join Robert and Ira as they discuss 2000 MULES and share their top 5 animal titles. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be The Statue of Liberty, that’s right Lady Liberty herself, and you’re standing in a New York harbor with a tablet in one hand and a torch in the other, and you’re a symbol for not only liberty, but freedom and democracy, and you have a tear streaming down your green face because you know the best way to guarantee these precious values is through free and open and accurate and transparent elections, but you got wind of perhaps a concerted effort to bastardize the last presidential election as you hear stories about mules who stuff illegal ballots into the drop-offs in various cities where the race can go either way, and you see how these people are tracked with their cell phones showing how they go to numerous voting places, and you see actual video footage showing these people doing unscrupulous things, but although the evidence is quite compelling, you’re not totally convinced there’s a true concerted effort to fuck with democracy, yet as long as you’re open to the possibility and just need some answers and you want to know more, then this podcast is for you!
Vote With Your Heart. And by 'Heart,' I Mean Penis.