Episode 227: Mandibles and Top 5 Foreign Movies
We once had an idea about a couple of idiots who found a giant cockroach and tried to train him to serve ice cream cones. But everyone told us that no one would ever want to watch a movie about bugs. Guess they were wrong! Join Robert and Ira as they discuss MANDIBLES and share their top 5 foreign films. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Podcast Music. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be one of two simple-minded goofball buddies who are paid to drop off a mystery briefcase, and discover the car you steal has a humongous big ass fly in the trunk, and you decide to train it to earn money, but when your car breaks down, along comes a blonde cutie who mistakenly thinks you had sex in high school, and she offers to take you home, feed you, and lets you swim in her pool, and then this girl who was in a skiing accident and always screams, notices fly shit in your car, so you tell her it’s from your pet dog, and so you have to steal a dog, but then after the big ass fly eats the little pooch, the screaming girl sees the big ass fly and tells the others about it, and she is hauled off to the loony bin, then this podcast is for you!
Frogs and Flies.