Episode 177: Da 5 Bloods and Top 5 Male Bonding Movies
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a black Vietnam Vet? You’d get to call everyone ‘Blood’ and know all those cool handshakes… Find out in this week’s episode! Join Robert and Ira as they discuss DA 5 BLOODS, and share their top 5 male bonding movies. Listen for free through iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or GooglePlay. So, if you’ve ever been a black soldier fighting in Vietnam, and you and your black buds decided to go back to find buried gold bars, and along the way you reconnected with the woman you fucked, and her daughter who is your child, who both look much too young considering it was 50 years ago... den dis podcast is for you!
I'm Pretty Sure There Are Better Ways to Catch a Shark Than This…